IRFAK in Istanbul
IRFAK at Istanbul Art-Fair, "Turkey's most expansive art fair".

IRFAK opens new logistics Centre in Belgium

IRFAK is extremely proud to announce the opening of its new logistics
centre near the Port of Antwerp in Belgium. We will celebrate this
memorable fact with a special presentation at the Verbeke Foundation in
As a result of the increasing demand for our food products by countries dealing with food shortage and the
growing number of body fat donations in Europe, our company’s production and sales figures have risen by
200 percent since 2008. Starting off as a company helping countries with acute food shortage, IRFAK has
developed into a company offering structural food aid to a number of regions affected by chronic food shortage.
From the Port of Antwerp IRFAK will carry out worldwide shipments of food, supplied by our factories in
Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Poland.
Antwerp has an excellent reputation as a container port. The harbour is ideally situated within the infrastructure
of international freight transport and is optimally accessible for container road transport from our producing
One of the decisive factors in our choice for Antwerp is its location at only 144 kilometres (travelling time only
an hour and a half!) from our head office in Venlo (the Netherlands), as opposed to the Port of Rotterdam with
a distance of approximately 190 kilometres via over-busy and often clogged roads. Another reason is the
agreement that has been reached on the deepening of the navigation channel in the Scheldt Estuary, allowing
ships with a draught of 13,10 meters to enter and leave the port independent of the tide. This will enable an
even further expansion of the port’s transport capacity.
During our company presentation the Belgian public will be introduced to our unique waste disposal system
and to our food products:
• Our qualified partners ‘Van Gerven & Van Iersel’ will give you extensive information about the liposuction
• You will be able to watch unique video material of a liposuction procedure performed by ‘Van Gerven
& Van Iersel’.
• We will show you a body fat sample of the first liposuction prize winner, as well as samples of our
three wholesome basic products.
• You can win a free liposuction and at the same time support our activities by buying one of our lottery
• You will have the opportunity to take a look in our warehouse where random checks of our products
are carried out: outstanding quality is our first priority.
• There will be a chance to see exclusive footage, never shown before, of our overseas food transports.
IRFAK’s company presentation at the Verbeke Foundation in Kemzeke will be a great experience for anyone
who likes to share his or her wealth with others. We will be open from May 30th until October 31st, 2010, on
Thursday to Sunday from 11.00 a.m. till 6.00 p.m.
For additional information, go to: www.verbekefoundation.com.
You are very welcome to visit us.

IRFAK at ‘Artpie’

From May 15 - 23, IRFAK Fat to Food Recycling will be giving a company presentation during
‘Artpie’ in the ‘Westergasfabriek’ in Amsterdam. Our booth will be open daily from 12.00 till 6.00
This is an excellent opportunity to become acquainted with our method of recycling human body fat into
healthy food products for regions threatened by starvation. We will also display a sample of body fat of the
first prize winner of our liposuction lottery.
We would like to remind you that you can support IRFAK by purchasing a signed and numbered Readymade
for 30 Euros, including a special lottery ticket that gives you a one in two hundred chance of winning a free
liposuction. You can also sign up for a free lottery ticket, in which case the chance of winning a liposuction
will be only one in a hundred thousand.
In the unlikely event that you wish to renounce to the liposuction, you will be granted an amount of money
that equals half the value of the liposuction treatment. Even if you don’t win the first prize, you will still be the
owner of a unique work of art that is worth far more than 30 Euros.
Support IRFAK, free the world from hunger. You can support our worldwide food actions by purchasing a
Readymade or a free lottery ticket during our company presentation in Amsterdam. We look forward to welcoming you to our booth in the “Gashouderfabriek”.

IRFAK Eat & Greet Lunches in Venlo affiliate
In order to celebrate the fact that the number of obese people in the Western world has increased again - which is advantageous to IRFAK in dealing with the economic crisis - the management cordially invites you to attend one of our Eat & Greet Lunches.
The lunches will take place in Week 48, Monday till Friday from 12.00 p.m. - 2.00 p.m. A maximum of 10 participants per lunch will be admitted. Location: IRFAK's temporary office at Bolwaterstraat 26 in Venlo.
Reservations for this free and festive meal, offered to you by IRFAK Fat to Food Recycling, can be made through: IRFAK Eat & Greet Lunches in Venlo aff iliate info@irfak.org.
The IRFAK management is looking forward to welcoming you to one of these lunches.

IRFAK holds office in Q4
Lottery offers chance to win a free liposuction

IRFAK, the company that proceeds human body fat into food products, temporarily resides in Venlo's Q4 quarter. For a period of nearly 2 months, the Het Raam Foundation has placed its accommodation at the disposal of this rapidly growing and innovative company. IRFAK welcomes customers with special activities.
As is known, IRFAK was founded some years ago with the objective of contributing to a better distribution of healthy food worldwide. Wealthy countries deal with obesity, whereas other parts of the world are facing severe food shortages. Exploratory research initiated by IRFAK gave evidence to the opportunities provided by this situation. According to a spokesman "A lot of people seem to be willing to donate their excess body fat unconditionally, especially when realizing that it will be used to manufacture food products. We developed a special method to convert human fatty tissue into, for example, savory and particularly wholesome biscuits."
The waiting list at van Gerven & Van Iersel, the certified clinic that performs the liposuction procedures, continues to grow. Nevertheless, people seem to be reluctant to contact IRFAK through the internet. "By opening a temporary office at the Het Raam Foundation in Venlo, we hope to entice the public to overcome their hesitation. Visitors can gain a clear insight into the process of ‘fat to food recycling’ and will be provided with information free of any engagement. Of course there will be the opportunity to register for donation."
IRFAK will organize its third lottery in succession, with new chances of winning a free liposuction worth 3.500 Euros. “One of the conditions of participating in the lottery is that the winner is willing to donate his or her body fat. In the event that the physical condition of the prize winner constitutes a contraindication to the liposuction procedure, an amount of 1.750 Euros will be granted. The lottery’s net profits will be destined for research and development of future IRFAK projects.”
IRFAK's Q4 office will be open from November 1st till December 4th 2009 and is located at Bolwaterstraat 26.
Opening hours:
Thursday 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.
Friday 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.
Saturday 1.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.

Burma allows long-term food aid
The military regime in Burma is pleased with the foreign food aid. IRFAK reports that it has been allowed to supply long-term food aid.
From our archives
The severe cyclone Nargis that hit Burma last Saturday night (May 2nd) has caused great damage. According to estimates of the Burmese junta the hurricane has caused the loss of fifteen thousand human lives. Other reliable sources report the loss of twenty three thousand lives, unconfirmed sources even a hundred thousand victims or more.
The tropical cyclone Nargis raged over the southern Burmese Deltas and the former capital Rangoon at a speed of 190 kilometers (119 miles) an hour.
Because of the extreme storm surge whole coast villages were lost to the sea forever. Large parts of the country are inundated; the rice fields in the delta area have been as good a completely destroyed. United Nations reports speak of sixty- to a hundred thousand deaths. According to the Red Cross, Approximately 1.5 to 2.6 million of the Burmese people has been affected by the cyclone.
IRFAK intervention
Several days after the storm has passed; it becomes clear that Nargis has almost completely destroyed the Burmese national rice production. This is approximately 80 percent of the complete food provision for the Burmese population, consisting of about 50 million people. Because of the enormous water masses that have hit the land and will only slowly recede over the coming months, a large part of the agricultural grounds have been rendered useless. Because of this approximately 60 percent of the Burmese population will have no work or source of income over the upcoming period. It is no uncommon phenomenon that the food prices have risen almost 400 percent in the affected areas.
An IRFAK delegation was able to convince currently 74-year old President General Than Shwe and Prime Minister Soe Win in the Burmese government centre Bayintnaung Yeiktha of a positive contribution to the calm and peace so strongly anticipated by the government by accepting their help based upon the previously mentioned data. Of main concern for the Burmese leaders was that a new rebellion of the people lead by Buddhist monks should be avoided at all costs. Also taken into consideration in their decision was that a steady supply of healthy food could be guaranteed by handing the food aid responsibility to IRFAK.
First food aid flights to Burma have been planned to depart from Düsseldorf International Airport for the end of this month.

Internet site now also in English
The publicity that the presentation at Glocal Affairs in Maastricht and the subsequent television broadcast in “Netwerk” generated, led to a sharp increase in the number of visitors of the website, from far outside Europe. Our statistics show that there is a great need for a multilingual website. People in about 88 countries across the world visited our website. IRFAK stands for an open and honest communication with both suppliers of body fat and with the customers. We find it extremely important that our information is as clear as possible to people who want to know more about IRFAK. Translations in other languages will follow in the course of next year. We are planning a Spanish website for mid January.

Large increase in registrations for body fat donation
IRFAK is also very pleased to see an increasing number of people wanting to exchange their fat for food. Our business partner Van Gerven &Van Iersel, the clinic that performs liposuctions in a responsible way, has a steadily growing waiting-list. Human fat to food recycling is actually the new business that puts food issues into a broader perception worldwide. Even without the prospect of a free liposuction people are willing to donate their fat for food.
The amount of donations of fatty tissue is now at 55 percent, as opposed to the applications for a free liposuction which thus add up to 45 percent. Based on this data it is clear that the unequal distribution of world food is recognized by many people and many want to cooperate to share their wealth with the poor. We feel encouraged in our mission; the company is on the right track.
IRFAK remains committed to a world where sufficient and healthy food is available to everyone.
IRFAK wishes everyone a nutrive and healthy 2009!

IRFAK in Netwerk
The Dutch television program Netwerk has made recordings of the company presentation at Glocal Affairs in Maastricht. It will be broadcasted on Wednesday 26-11-2008, Netherlands 2, from 20.25 hours. More information on www.netwerk.tv.
Significantly more visitors IRFAK Web site after TV broadcast L1
The broadcaster Limburger L1 recently had sent a TV advertising spot of IRFAK. The IRFAK website statistics show that the number of visitors a week after it broadcast increased with more than 70 percent. The site attracts international interest: visitors are coming from several regions around the globe, for example the Netherlands, Belgium, North America and Kenya.
Delay first transport of food to Burma
A trade delegation from IRFAK in Burma has held talks with the Minister of Commerce Major General Tin Naing Thein. The minister stated that his government still has no unified position on the issue of supply. We regret this very much. New talks are scheduled in January 2009. IRFAK hopes that the contracts will still be closed in February 2009 so that food aid actually can be delivered.
IRFAK remains committed to a world where sufficient and healthy food is accessible to everyone.
The IRFAK company presentation in Maastricht can still be seen up to November 30. As
for information: www.irfak.org and www.glocalaffairs.eu.

The IRFAK team is warmly received by the Burma Government.
Our foreign relations department arrived on November 12 in Naypyidaw, where they were warmly received by the Burmese government leaders. Meanwhile discussions with the Minister of Trade, Major General Tin Naing Thein have been started.
He showed great interest in the entire IRFAK concept.
IRFAK on regional TV Limburg L1
TWednesday, November 12 was on the Limburg TV station L1 our first advert to see. These detached many responses. There are both notifications for donation, or winning a free liposuction received. IRFAK received also comments in which the ethical side of the business IRFAK has been brought up for discussion.
The advertising spot is still visible via the Internet at: www.l1.nl

IRFAK on tv!
L1 TV pays attention to IRFAK; an interview with managing director Mieke Smits.

IRFAK company presentation in Maastricht
In the middle of 2007 the IRFAK Management was asked if there was any interest in taking part in “an exhibition” in which the main theme was the relationship between the global and the regional. Given the principal idea concerning the content of this symposium and the tangent places with the IRFAK company philosophy we have agreed in taking part. IRFAK is present with an extensive company presentation, consisting of some temporary laboratories and the exposé of our first lipo donation fats. Also, you are able to taste some of our lipo food products.
We can be found in the original office part of the woodwork factory at Boschstraat 5-7 (nabij Bassin) in Maastricht.
You are cordially invited to visit us during the public days from November 2nd until November 30th, Wednesday until Sunday between 11.00 and 22.00 hrs.